Management Program for Experienced Professionals

The programme objectives, who it is aimed at, the profile of the participants, what distinguishes it and its partnerships
The ISEG MBA is a management program for experienced professionals. It aims to strengthen their management and behavioural skills so that they can be leaders with a holistic view of companies and the business world. To achieve this ambitious goal, it combines the core management disciplines (across all functional areas) with a Leadership Journey complemented with a Personal Development Plan and a set of themes specially designed to meet the challenges of the future, which are organised into five strategic streams: Global Futures, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Digital Disruption, Design & Agility, Sustainability and Governance.
These streams are the main differentiating feature of the programme as is the support of our partners: World Economic Forum, Instituto Superior Técnico, Startup Lisbon, Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies, University of San Francisco and Portuguese Air Force Academy. The ISEG MBA offers a truly unique learning and development experience and the group of participants and the contacts provided throughout the programme are also essential for the establishment of a value-generating networking network.
36 editions of growth
There have already been 36 editions of this program, which has trained nearly 1000 highly qualified professionals who hold positions of responsibility in many national and international companies. It is therefore a programme full of history, but which over the years has been able to reinvent itself and adapt to the needs of the business world and society in general.
“The ISEG MBA has gone through several periods, having recently undergone a profound restructuring in order to update the experience it provides to the challenges of the rapidly changing world in which we live.”
In this sense, in addition to the classic management themes, the program presents several complementary and emerging themes that will be indispensable for a professional performance of excellence. The ISEG MBA is a program accredited by AMBA and integrates Tier One of CEO Magazine’s ranking.
Accreditations (AMBA or AACSB) and Internationalisation
The participants’ profile in an MBA programme is extremely sophisticated. They are well prepared, informed and demanding professionals. Nowadays, accreditations are a necessary but not sufficient condition. Choosing an accredited MBA programme is a minimum quality requirement.
The ISEG MBA is a program with credits signed in the national market and that counts with a growing set of international students. The fact that the programme is taught in English makes it a global experience. Complementing this with the attractiveness of Lisbon and Portugal, we have the right ingredients to welcome participants from all corners of the world, from Asia to South America.
Why an MBA?
Typically the participant looking for an MBA program has the ambition to rise in the professional career. The MBA Programme, by its intrinsic characteristics, is aimed at experienced professionals and aims to strengthen their management and leadership skills, acting as a career accelerator. Of course, the frequency of the programme is no guarantee of professional progress, even if it provides participants with all the conditions for this to happen.
Programme Name: ISEG MBA
Nest edition: September 2020
Duration: 18 months
Schedule: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 23.00pm
Practical areas: Development of Business Plan and a Capstone Project with the guidance of Startup Lisboa
International Experience: One week in Silicon Valley (in partnership with the University of San Francisco), including company visits
Investment: 25 000 €
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