Financial services represents one of the pillars of Malta’s economy. Ever since the Mediterranean island nation’s accession to the EU in 2004, which attracted a raft of new investment opportunities, the sector has rapidly expanded ...
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ‘Insight’ ipoġġi bilqiegħda ma’ Michael Collis, Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv u Direttur Maniġerjali tal-Bank BNF. CEO Insight: F’kuntest ta’ intensità kompettitiva u volatilità tas-suq, il-Bank BNF qed jimxi minn suċċess għal suċċess ikbar fir-rigward ...
CEO Insight: Against a backdrop of intense competition and market volatility, BNF Bank continues to go from strength to strength in respect of profitability and gaining of market share. To what do you attribute this? ...
Without global trade, our lives would be very different: no electrical goods produced in the Far East or weaves made in Asia, and the food in domestic kitchens would be uninspiring, without access to produce ...
The COP27 climate summit starting on Sunday in Egypt must be used as a catalyst to unlock trillions of dollars of private money, says the CEO of one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory, ...
Nanny finance in the form of central banks and their years of excessive quantitative easing and desire to cut rates, at the first sign of trouble or discontent, has dominated the world for many years. ...
‘The about turn is complete, with Elon Musk claiming to have freed Twitter by closing the deal even though he spent months flapping his trapped wings, trying to flee from the purchase. The rollercoaster track ...
Reltime, the global Web3 and Metaverse fintech for good company, entered the important markets of Southern Africa through its strategic collaboration with Khumalo and Mabuya Chartered Accountants (KnM), a proudly pro pan-African financial services firm. ...
KoinKoin, the leading Africa-focused digital assets exchange, has announced major expansion plans as the company’s annual revenues exceed $40m in OTC transactions. The company, founded by London-based entrepreneur Ola Atose, previously of Natwest and Deutsche Bank, ...
As global healthcare continues to grapple with its biggest crisis in living memory, we take a look at three share ideas that could prosper in the healthcare space. Jazz Pharma Gilead Sciences Regeneron “Successful vaccine ...
Bitcoin plunged by more than 5% in a matter of minutes, down to a 3-week low, while Ether also dropped like a stone. It’s not showing the pattern of a flash crash, as the assets ...
واحد من كل خمسة سكان هو مغترب ، وقد أضاف هذا قيمة إلى خليط الثقافات لدينا ونمط حياتنا المجتمعية. لم يكن هناك وقت أكثر مناسبة من وقتنا الحالي لاستكشاف الفرص وراحة البال التي يمكن أن ...
每五位居民中便有一位外籍人士,我们的文化大熔炉和以社区归属感为基础的生活方式,也因此更增价值。 我们正生活在一个最为成熟的时代,可以为家人探寻各种机会、获得内心宁静的第二居住地。目前,我们仍然遭受着新冠疫情的影响,重大地缘政治事件的冲击,也让我们深感不安。《首席执行官洞察力》(CEO Insight)采访了马耳他居留权机构的首席执行官查尔斯·米兹,听取了他对将马耳他作为第二居住地的相关介绍。
Euro Exim Bank has been at the forefront of the Trade Finance Industry for many years, and continues to show strong growth. Whilst not letting a global pandemic slow them down and continuing to provide ...
A growing number of young, forward-thinking speculators have started buying virtual property in the metaverse, which they view as a perfectly rational thing to do. Citi, the US-American multinational investment bank and financial services corporation ...
Malta’s location in the middle of the Mediterranean makes it as sought after a destination for investors as once it was for those with military ambitions looking for safe harbour and a strategic staging post ...
Since the establishment of the international Currencies Act 1981-1982, which heralded its entrance into the international finance arena, the Cook Islands has matured and evolved into a legitimate and accepted part of the fabric of ...
Over the past 2 months, as fear, uncertainty and doubt grip the world, we have witnessed unimaginable change with global implications, leaving us with no doubt we are experiencing the most challenging times ever in ...