Elite Capital & Co. The New Giant in the Troubled World of Finance

The world of finance has witnessed in the last five years an remarkable change in the form of finance market, banking and the concept of finance itself, due to the problems faced by the global economy, created by international policies and brought about by the devastating wars that have destroyed the infrastructure of many countries after having crushed the populations of those countries.
By comparing the years between 2010 and 2015, one can hardly fail to notice that the role of medium-sized and large-sized banks has declined in terms of both significance and effect in the lending and funding markets at various levels, from personal lending, through corporate lending on to lending to sovereign entities such as states and governments.
With the decline of the role of those known as big players in the finance market over the past five years, a new concept of finance has emerged in the global market: it has come to be known as Islamic finance. Many analysts believe that Islamic finance is a system that has been imposed on or even forced down the throat of the global market with political support from some countries and international bodies to overcome the decline of funding systems or to seize the opportunity created by the weakness of traditional financing systems. Overcoming those traditional systems aims at changing the financial system in the world. (These opinions are particular to some of the market analysts who do not necessarily represent the opinion of the CEO-Insight magazine or its management).
Be it as it may, and from turbulence of those tumultuous events, one of the most significant players has emerged in the global finance market. Despite its young age, having been established as recently as in 2012, it has become a major and highly influential player capable of playing a sustainable key role as lender through both conventional and Islamic, Sharia compliant systems simultaneously for those who are interested in this or that kind of funding. It is about this new player that the present article has been written.
Elite Capital & Co. Limited is a private limited company that provides project related services including Management, Consultancy and Funding, particularly for large infrastructure and commercial projects.Elite Capital & Co. Limited has its head office in London (UK), with our Board Members, Staff and Agents being located across the Middle East, Asia and Europe. We have multi lingual staff to ensure that we can accommodate all of our client’s needs.Elite Capital & Co. Limited offers a wealth of experience in Banking & Financial transactions and has a range of specialized advisory services for private, SME or corporate clients. When required we can also customize and structure our products and services to meet the specific needs of our clients. We will continue to customize, structure, create and implement funding products and services as the need requires. Elite Capital & Co. Limited has made strategic alliances with several organizations and companies which have given us access to international markets in Asia, Africa, Middle East and GCC regions. This has given Elite Capital & Co. a substantial foundation of clients to build on, in addition to access to the markets that are most in need of the products and services we offer.
The aim of Elite Capital & Co. Limited is to facilitate the commencement and completion of Infrastructure projects, stimulate economy, create employment and combat poverty.
Types of Project
Our services are suitable for all types of Infrastructure Projects in either Greenfield (Pre Operations Stage) or Brownfield (Operations Stage) including but not limited to Sea Ports, Airports, Railway, Bridges, Roads and Highways, Water and Sanitation Utilities, Energy, Communications, Hospitals, Schools and Social Infrastructure etc. This includes other projects or activities that impact positively on the relevant country’s basic infrastructure including the manufacturing of components used in infrastructure (such as cement and steel) and infrastructure associated with mining and agribusiness.
Size of Project
Minimum of USD 10M (United States Dollars Ten Million) and upwards.
Loan to Value
Up to 100% of project financing required.
Up to 15 years for the design, build and finance component and up to 30 years for the ongoing operation component.
Projects can be either BOOT (Build, Own, Operate, Transfer) BOO (Build Own Operate), BOT (Build Own Transfer), BTO (Build, Transfer, Own), BT (Build Transfer), BLT (Build, Lease, Transfer), BRT (Build, Rent, Transfer) or PPP (Public Private Partnership).
All countries can be considered. Countries currently engaged in war or politically unstable environments or sanctioned countries will not be suitable. All projects must adhere to local and international environmental, health, safety and social standards as required.
Suitable for
Privately held projects, Public & Private Infrastructure Operators, National & Local Governments, NGOs and Financial Institutions.
Funding Collateral
Commercial Bank Instruments; Bank Guarantees, Bonds, Medium Term Notes, or other Bank Debt Instruments issued by banks rated ‘BB+’ or better, but this can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Sovereign Guarantee; Elite Capital & Co. Limited is able to facilitate funding for Government and Infrastructure Projects against a Sovereign Guarantee subject to the Sovereign Guarantee being ratified by the relevant authorities and departments, namely the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance in the respective countries. In some cases the Sovereign Guarantee may need to be confirmed by a Commercial Bank. Resource Guarantee; The option is available to fund projects against a Resource Guarantee such as an Oil Guarantee or any other significant and valuable minerals or resources that the country has may also be considered.
Promissory Notes; Corporate Promissory Notes endorsed by a commercial bank can be useful if the project has bankable assets that can be used for leverage financing.
Elite Capital & Co. Limited – Contact Details
Elite Capital & Co. Limited
14 Basil Street
London, SW3 1AJ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 203 7555 327
Facsimile: +44 (0) 203 725 9922