Andrey Shpilenko Director of the Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia
Institute of SEZs is well-known to the world community It has a positive impact on the industrial development of countries, creation of new high-tech industries referred to a modern technological structural shift. SEZs in Russia are among the most efficient instruments of business support, as they contribute to reduction of costs of investment projects. One of a SEZ advantages for investors is availability of absolutely new, cutting-edge engineering and transport infrastructure, which can significantly accelerate conducting investment projects. SEZs are considered to be the best institute for spatial economic development of the Russian regions.
This allows residents to take advantage not only from tax benefits and preferences, but also from using additional measures of the state support, including the mechanism of support for participants of industrial clusters. In order to increase the SEZ attractiveness, in 2017 the Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia with support of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation published a specialised business edition “SEZ Business Navigator-2017”, which allows investors to make it easy to select a necessary site for development of their own businesses. Electronic version of this edition is available on over 40 trade delegations of the Russian Federation abroad websites, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation website as well as websites of federal and regional executive bodies, development institutions.
I know this for sure that “SEZs Business Navigator-2018”can contribute to the improvement of investment climate in the country and increase of enterprises’ investment activities and their technological sovereignty for the benefit of the Russian sustainable
economic development as well.
Director of the Association for the Development of Clusters
and Technology Parks of Russia
To view the full report “Russian Special Economic Zones: Business Navigator 2018” prepared by Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia with support from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, here