Narendra Laljani was a very good teacher. He taught strategic analysis to executives for many years. But at the back of his mind lay a nagging doubt: was he teaching the real ingredients of strategic ...
Ask politicians, investors or CEOs if growth is ‘good’ and their yes will likely be as emphatic as the no one might hear from concerned environmentalists. Such polarisation is due to different perspectives on what ...
Are you ‘prescribing’ the right security solution to your merchants? Sandra Higgins, Chief Marketing Officer at Sysnet Global Solutions, draws parallels between taking multivitamins for the body to keeping small businesses ‘healthy’ using an all-in-one ...
When any movement that touches diversity and inclusion is in the news, there’s no shortage of people keen to write blogs, wear a badge or attend training courses. But for both the people involved, and ...
The coronavirus pandemic forced companies around the world to adapt overnight to new ways of working. Millions of people started to work from home, with video conferencing becoming the ‘new normal’ way to keep ...
As Covid-19 shows no signs of disappearing, how long can individuals, businesses and countries remain in a semi operational state? While the global stock market crash caused different responses, resulting in recovery in some sectors ...
The Bugatti limited edition of 500 units now goes into series production and have more pace than you might expect At the 2019 Geneva International Motor Show, Bugatti announced our 110th birthday present to ourselves, the ...
In an official engagement last year, Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle was seen sporting a set of diamond earrings that were remarkable not for their clarity or cut but because they were made in a ...
CEO Insight speaks with Mrs. Charmaine Quinland-Donovan, CEO, Antigua & Barbuda CIU CEO Insight: To what extent has the global nature of the Covid-19 pandemic influenced the attractiveness or otherwise of Antigua & Barbuda’s Citizenship ...
Гражданство Антигуа и Барбуды предоставляет всевозможные невероятные преимущества для удовлетворяющих соответствующим требованиям лиц и их семей со всего мира. В следующем интервью госпожа Шармен Куинланд-Донован (Charmaine Quinland-Donovan), генеральный директор отдела по вопросам гражданства страны за ...
বিশ্বজুড়ে যোগ্য ব্যক্তি এবং তাদের পরিবারের জন্য অ্যান্টিগুয়া ও বার্বুডার নাগরিকত্ব সকল ধরনের অবিশ্বাস্য সুবিধা দেয়। নিচের সাক্ষাৎকারে, দেশের সিটিজেনশিপ বাই ইনভেস্টমেন্ট ইউনিটের বিশ্বসেরা সুনামের বিষয়ে এর প্রধান নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা মিসেস চার্মাইন কুইনল্যান্ড-ডোনোভান (Mrs. Charmaine ...
Narendra Laljani, the Executive Management Programme Director at Henley, is a management educator, consultant and CEO coach who specialises in strategic thinking, innovation and leader development. CEO Insight: The Executive Management Programme (EMP) at Henley ...
Many of the world’s capital cities are also the economic centre of the respective country. London, Paris and Madrid are good examples of this. And yet, beyond these capital cities, there are many other major ...
Throughout history crises have played a key role in developing societies and the current pandemic is no different. In times of uncertainty, entrepreneurs, businesspeople and members of the wider community are crucial to recovery and ...
Having weathered the storms of the last 7 months, finance teams in large companies must seize the moment to take a more strategic role. They can use transformational technology to become key advisers, sought after ...
In a world reeling from the devastation caused by COVID-19 and faced with elevated geopolitical and social tension, the emergence of the Cook Islands as a safe haven in a sea of unrest and uncertainty ...
We talk pandemics, trade finance and the potential Euro Exim bank can offer with Graham Bright Head – Compliance and Operations CEO Insight: Trade finance is at the core of Euro Exim Banks (EEB) portfolio ...
The Government Future Financing 2030 Program – Interview with the two heads of Elite Capital & Co. Limited, Dr. Faisal Khazaal, PhD. LLD. KGCC and Mr. George Matharu, MBA Elite Capital & Co. Limited (“ECC”) ...