UK Finance is warning consumers to be on the lookout for “smishing” text message scams from criminals exploiting the coronavirus outbreak. Smishing is when criminals use text messages impersonating other organisations to trick people into ...
The sectors with most potential to create jobs from foreign investment Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the software and computer services industry created the highest number of new jobs (11,589) FDI in business and consumer ...
Banking and finance are undergoing fast digital transformation, the replacement of legacy systems and novel tools for back-end and customer-facing tasks. The concept of a fully digital bank is one of the major paths envisioned ...
Благодаря тому, что заказчики находятся в центре всей деятельности Бермудского авиационного регистра, компания успешно стала образцом передовой практики. Генеральный директор Томас Данстан (Thomas Dunstan) рассказывает о секретах успеха. Как вы считаете, что придает особую силу ...
开曼群岛民用航空局(CAACI)为一家法定航空安全监管机构,负责监管开曼群岛全境以及注册于开曼群岛的飞机的航空安全。开曼群岛飞机登记中心(CIAR)为一家全球认可的著名注册机构,在竞争激烈的私人和企业航空市场,成为许多飞机所有者、投资家、管理公司、律师和其他眼光敏锐的决策者的不二选择。 自成立五十多年以来,开曼群岛飞机登记中心始终秉承严格的标准和安全合规性要求,对注册于开曼的飞机进行监管。
Realignment of business development is paying off Hamburg, a total of 11,530 jobs created and secured, about 1,100 companies serviced, and an investment volume of over EUR 656 million: these are the key figures of Hamburg Invest ...
Equities have finally succumbed. Until Friday, global markets were still hovering around their January highs. But markets fell back 1% or so on Friday and the UK and European markets are down more than 3% ...
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing will be “the new norm in less than five years”, affirms the CEO of one of the world’s largest independent financial services and advisory organisations. The bold prediction from Nigel ...
Fintech expert calls for a reevaluation of a Digital Bank concept claiming it should not have more than 10 employees if fully digitalized The rise of innovative technologies in finance naturally sparked an interest in digital banking. ...
Thomas Dunstan, Director General of Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority, and Peter Griffiths, CEO Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, took part in a commemorative signing ceremony to mark the ICAO Article 83bis Agreement between Bermuda and Kazakhstan. ...
Markets have adapted to better price discovery even on days of extreme price volatility, making arbitrage strategies no longer the ‘go-to’. A report into the liquidity of Bitcoin, published today by digital assets derivatives exchange ...
Global food production as we know it is being transformed by a new crop of agriculture technology start-ups that are disrupting the processes of traditional agriculture. Indoor farming, or vertical farming, involves growing produce in ...
It has been predicted for a few years now that human microchipping is set to take off in big way. So far, getting humans to adopt microchip implants has been a hard sell, but some ...
The Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI) is the statutory authority responsible for aviation safety regulatory oversight throughout the Cayman Islands and for aircraft registered in the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands Aircraft ...
Interview with Thomas Nägele, Managing Partner of NÄGELE Attorneys at Law, LLC CEO Insight: Nowadays, tokenised securities are the hottest crypto topic, coinciding with the recent publication of the thinkBLOCKtank paper “The Regulation of Tokens ...
Alan Taylor, CEO of the Cook Islands Financial Services Development Authority (FSDA), talks to CEO Insight about the jurisdiction’s unique credentials, as well as the most noteworthy products and recent developments. CEO Insight: What do ...
Unrivalled tourism and world class venues have positioned South Africa as a sought after destination for major international events, and the International Congress and Convention Association rated it as the number one meetings destination in ...
Through placing its customers at the centre of everything it does, Bermuda’s Aircraft Registry has succeeded in becoming a model of best practice. Director-General, Thomas Dunstan, explains the secrets to its success. Dominic Hale: What ...