Dr Siamak Goudarzi, worked as a senior judge in Iran for many years, migrated to the UK to specialize in International Business Law at PhD level, formed and managed ILBS, International Legal and Business Solution ...
Iran is ready and raring to go. It is opening its doors to Western companies at a time where businesses are struggling with weak growth in Europe. The story of Iran is unfolding like an ...
In South Greenland two major multi-element rare earth projects are well advanced. The Tanbreez Ltd Kringlerne (Killlavaat Alannguat) zirconium-tantalum-rare earth element deposit is one of the world’s largest reserves of undeveloped heavy rare earth elements. The ...
Once regarded as the final frontier of international investment, Africa has slowly emerged as the hottest destination for emerging markets investors. In the space of a decade, Africa’s gone from being a hopeless case to ...
The OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project was designed to provide an internationally coordinated approach to protect tax bases and provide comprehensive international solutions to the problems of base erosion and profit shifting. Ireland ...
On October 5, the OECD issued it formal recommendations on the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan. These recommendations have been subsequently adopted by the G20. We acknowledge the monumental effort that ...
Traditionally, the association between individuals and buildings was solely a functional one, where a house was built with four walls and a roof and, hey presto, job done. A new generation of architects have a ...
The changing global landscape of international tax entail challenges for multinational companies in adjusting and adopting their investment approach to the new regulatory environment. Regulatory changes There are currently several ongoing regulatory changes within ...
The changing global landscape of international tax entail challenges for multinational companies in adjusting and adopting their investment approach to the new regulatory environment. Regulatory changes There are currently several ongoing regulatory changes within the ...
Euro Exim Bank, facilitators of global trade, is well-equipped to service corporates and SME’s in these unprecedented times, with our innovative blockchain enabled SimpleX trade platform with immutable information gathering and sharing, and supporting Ripple ...
The tiny city-state of San Marino has a proud and distinguished profile on the global stage. It’s the oldest republic in existence, for starters. And while it’s among the world’s smallest countries, it’s also among ...
The corporate tax practices of multinational corporations are under siege by world leaders, NGO’s, the OECD and EU tax authorities. All demanding multinationals to pay their “fair share” and more than willing to highlight perceived ...
Amidst G20 discussions, much media analysis, and government debate internationally, “BEPS”, has progressively been making its way onto the boardroom agenda. The BEPS project, led by the OECD’s Pascal Saint-Amans, represents the most fundamental change ...
India and China have been in competition from a geopolitical stance for years but their rivalry doesn’t stop there. As far back as the late 1940s, their respective financial markets have been in opposition and ...
Founded in 1998 in Ettenheim, Germany, BELLIN has over 100 employees focused on creating solutions that reflect the pragmatic, efficient nature of German engineering. The company leverages its core strength – its knowledge of treasury ...
Whether out of thriftiness or ethics, more and more consumers are opting for synthetic, man-made diamonds over the real thing. While the establishment maintains that man-made stones are nothing more than low-grade fakes that won’t ...
Situated in the Arctic, between northern Canada and Europe, Greenland is one of the last frontiers of mineral and petroleum exploration. That is not to say that there is no history of mining in Greenland ...
Businesses that are able to create new and innovative products or services at the same time as responding to the demands and requirements of their consumers are working a winning recipe. Once purely a fancy ...