Investors are being urged by a leading global analyst to review their portfolios more regularly and to include a small exposure into real assets, such as commodities and precious metals, as a precaution against rising ...
FusionExperience has today announced that Anomaly42 – The Data-as-a-Service platform that connects all data across multiple sources is now live with projects on Dell’s VCloud either side of the Atlantic. Choosing a robust partner for hosting ...
The US dollar continues to dominate global forex markets in late summer and we would hesitate to call an end to the declines just yet. However, signs are emerging that the pound sterling could be about ...
Nothing new on the price front for everyone’s favourite cryptocurrency. Bitcoin rallied to a high of $517.85 today but toward the close BTC/USD fell back down to the $510 figure. We are still trading well ...
Crude oil faced a bumpy session in US trading overnight on the back of the DOE’s Weekly Petroleum Status Report. As suggested in yesterday’s commodities report; another greater-than-anticipated drawdown in total stocks would likely prove ...
Since 2010, the Conservative government has subjected Britain’s public sector to an aggressive programme of deficit reduction to restore order to UK public finances. One consequence of this initiative is that the British public is ...
For several months now, George Osborne has been planning to make manipulation of foreign exchange, fixed income and commodities benchmarks a crime in order to maintain London’s status as an international banking and markets hub. ...
Good governance is critical for all countries around the world today. When it doesn’t exist, many governments fail to deliver public services effectively, health and education services are often substandard and corruption persists in rich ...
Cross-border acquisitions constitute the overwhelming majority of foreign direct investment flows. Such takeovers transfer ownership of valuable assets held by domestic firms – including technologies, trade secrets, capital, and distribution networks – to foreign enterprises. ...
LONDON August 2014 – Aon Hewitt, the global talent, retirement and health solutions business of Aon plc (NYSE:AON), has said that with defined benefit pension schemes climbing towards healthier funding status, they should be changing ...
The blend of highly motivated entrepreneurs and experienced venture capital fund managers with the right skills to commercialise innovation on a world-wide scale are now making European venture capital a convincing investment story. Europe has ...
The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government, in cooperation and with the support of the Government of the United Arab Emirates, launched a guide to help governments use technology to ...
Emerging markets” is an expansive one. It can encompass everything from behemoths China and Brazil to up-and-coming Mexico and the testing frontiers of Africa. The appeal for investors is stronger growth and younger economies than ...
OECD releases full version of global standard for automatic exchange of information. Taking an important step towards greater transparency and putting an end to banking secrecy in tax matters, the OECD today released the full version ...
The 48th annual FELABAN assembly takes place in Medellín, Colombia, on November 15-18, 2014 ...
Vienna stands for tradition and centuries-old culture. For the fifth time in a row, employees of international companies from 223 countries worldwide have selected Vienna as the city with the highest quality of life. Vienna ...
Insight speaks with Tomasz Tykierko, president of Wrocław- based Lower Silesia Agency of Economic Co-operation. Insight: What’s the secret of Lower Silesia’s economic success? Tomasz Tykierko :In a word – investors. Just look at the ...
On the 21st June 2011, Decos Technology Group, a Dutch company that specialises in high-tech digital storage, tracking and IT, officially opened its doors to their new headquarters in Noordwijk, NL. Now, before your eyes ...