The real estate industry, traditionally viewed as a slow-moving giant, is finally getting its tech-driven makeover. Across the globe, technological disruption is transforming how properties are built, bought, and managed. Enter proptech—the tech-fuelled transformation of ...
概括而言,马耳他永久居留计划、马耳他初创企业居留计划和游牧民居留许可旨在吸引哪些人? 马耳他居留计划提供三项旗舰计划,为不同群体的非欧盟国民提供居留权和量身定制的移民途径。马耳他永久居留计划(MPRP)专为希望在马耳他建立永久家园的家庭而设计。游牧者居留证针对的是数字游牧者和远程工作者,给予他们一年的临时居留权,让他们在马耳他工作,同时保留在国外的工作。该许可证最多可延期三次,最长逗留期为四年。对于创新企业的创始人、联合创始人和核心员工,马耳他初创企业居留计划给予 3+5 年的居留权(核心员工为 3+3)。
Data from Elixirr (AIM:ELIX), the challenger consultancy, reveals that over a fifth (22%) of business leaders and visionaries have pivoted their business over the past 12 months to seize new revenue opportunities. This follows a ...
In today’s dynamic global landscape, UK businesses have carved a reputation for innovation, quality, and unwavering ambition. Talented and creative British business owners, investors and entrepreneurs are some of the key drivers behind this. To ...
A high school physics teacher once made a huge difference in my life. He saw my potential, and it was his faith in my abilities that fed my self-confidence and helped inspire me to become ...
F’din l-intervista ma’ David Power, il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ BNF Bank, aħna niksbu għarfien dwar il-vjaġġ tat-tmexxija trasformattiv tiegħu. B’karriera distinta li tkopri ċentri finanzjarji globali, David mexxa lil BNF Bank għal għoli ġodda. X’tista’ tgħidilna ...
In recent years, Antigua & Barbuda has witnessed a fascinating transformation in the motivations of those seeking citizenship through its innovative Citizenship by Investment Programme. This exclusive interview delves into the shifting landscape, exploring whether ...
Global expansion is the way forward for businesses looking to upscale in 2023 and beyond. The past few years have laid the foundation for international expansion, and now more and more merchants are embracing the ...
Saxo Bank, the leader in online trading and investment, today announced its annual Outrageous Predictions for 2024. The predictions focus on a series of unlikely but underappreciated events which, if they were to occur, would ...
সাম্প্রতিক বছরগুলিতে, অ্যান্টিগুয়া ও বার্বুডা তার উদ্ভাবনী সিটিজেনশিপ বাই ইনভেস্টমেন্ট প্রোগ্রামের মাধ্যমে নাগরিকত্ব প্রত্যাশীদের অনুপ্রেরণায় একটি আকর্ষণীয় রূপান্তর প্রত্যক্ষ করেছে। এই একচেটিয়া সাক্ষাত্কারটি স্থানান্তরিত ল্যান্ডস্কেপের মধ্যে অনুসন্ধান করে, বিনিয়োগকারীরা এখন বর্ধিত গতিশীলতার ঐতিহ্যগত প্রলোভনের চেয়ে ...
百慕大民航局(BCAA)局长托马斯-邓斯坦(Thomas Dunstan)接受了《首席执行官洞察力》(CEO Insight)的广泛采访,谈到了近期发生的戏剧性事件、多元化、中国被抑制的需求以及百慕大作为全球离岸飞机注册地比竞争对手更具优势的原因。 虽然俄罗斯在 2022 年初入侵乌克兰对百慕大的飞机注册产生了重大影响,因为在百慕大注册的俄罗斯飞机运营迅速受到了国际制裁,但收入损失并不像一些人担心的那样严重,这要归功于为防止过度依赖单一市场而制定的多元化战略。然而,突如其来的事件确实意味着这一战略的实施必须迅速提前。
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), signed in 2021, aims to usher in a new era of economic prosperity in Africa. Trade integration across the continent has been limited by outmoded border and transport ...
The payments industry is undergoing a sea of change as ecommerce continues to evolve post-pandemic. The competition that payment service providers (PSPs) are facing is expanding from other PSPs to fintechs and start-ups taking advantage ...
On the surface, the most recent findings from the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) 2022 Global Gender Gap Report demonstrate that there has been some movement towards gender equality in the last year. According to the ...
واحد من كل خمسة سكان هو مغترب ، وقد أضاف هذا قيمة إلى خليط الثقافات لدينا ونمط حياتنا المجتمعية. لم يكن هناك وقت أكثر مناسبة من وقتنا الحالي لاستكشاف الفرص وراحة البال التي يمكن أن ...
每五位居民中便有一位外籍人士,我们的文化大熔炉和以社区归属感为基础的生活方式,也因此更增价值。 我们正生活在一个最为成熟的时代,可以为家人探寻各种机会、获得内心宁静的第二居住地。目前,我们仍然遭受着新冠疫情的影响,重大地缘政治事件的冲击,也让我们深感不安。《首席执行官洞察力》(CEO Insight)采访了马耳他居留权机构的首席执行官查尔斯·米兹,听取了他对将马耳他作为第二居住地的相关介绍。
Dr Rebecca Jones, an Associate Professor in Coaching and the Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching at Henley Business School, talks to CEO Insight about the benefits of adopting a coaching mindset, the challenges ...