Europe to Australia in under five hours? Engineers at UK-based Reaction Engines who are working on a system to enable hypersonic air travel say that they have passed a significant development milestone. A key element ...
Potential investors in tech IPOs this year would be well advised to exercise caution After years of raising money on the private markets, a number of tech companies are diving into the public markets in ...
Comprehensive Analysis of Data Breach Investigations, Internal Threat Intelligence and Security-Based Telemetry Reveals Cybercriminals are Becoming More Methodical and Adaptive Trustwave released the 2019 Trustwave Global Security Report, which reveals the top security threats, breaches ...
In order to step up its precautions against cyberattacks and to provide its users with the best possible security for their mobile communications, Geneva Airport shall be secured against the electronic eavesdropping of mobile devices ...
The credible way to end Brexit gridlock and give UK and global business much-needed certainty is with a second referendum, affirms the CEO of one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory organisations. The comments from ...
In the aftermath of the vote to leave the EU two-and-a-half years ago, plenty has been written about the future global standing of the UK. Many naysayers suggesting London will be particularly hard-hit by the ...
The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) gathered together key decision-makers from the European Union (EU) institutions, Member States and the private sector to engage in a dialogue on how the European cyber security ecosystem can ...
91% of respondents believe that AI will disrupt their sector within five years compared to an average of 77% across all sectors. Over half (58%) think blockchain has the potential to disrupt their sector, slightly higher ...
While the Europeans have been busy trying to impose a miserable Withdrawal Agreement on the UK, a potential crisis has crept up on them of their own making. It is not clear that the eurozone ...
Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) and Panasonic Corporation (Panasonic) today concluded a business integration contract and a joint venture contract towards the establishment of a new company (joint venture) related to the automotive prismatic battery business. ...
Technology is often thought about in terms of physical devices that are electrical or digital. When in fact, technology encompasses far more than simply tangible objects. New and emerging technologies often impact the value of ...
Themed around Humboldt and Napoleon at Pforzheim’s Jewellery Museum in 2019 The upcoming year 2019 will mark the 250th anniversary of the births of both Alexander von Humboldt and Napoleon Bonaparte. This prompted Pforzheim’s Jewellery ...
Cryptocurrencies have come a long way after a somewhat shadowy start, but we can no longer ignore the environmental impact that the laborious creation of each digital bitcoin has on the planet. The last couple ...
Eighteen months of Brexit negotiations have seen both the EU and UK postpone making a final decision. This has forced corporates, amongst others, to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. However, if ...
– New research reveals the top ten cities with the most venues that accept Bitcoin as a payment method. – Surprisingly, Prague tops the list with 154 venues that accept cryptocurrency payments. – No Chinese ...
Global mobility experts warn of increased costs amid claims that Paris will be the new trading hub for Europe. Banks and finance sector businesses which plan to send staff to work on assignment in Paris post-Brexit ...
AEC2018: The first 400 people to register will be given an AVERE VIP Access Card for 2018/2019 which, at AEC2018 will give them access to the high level networking reception that will take place at ...
26 million Brits and 13 million investors DO NOT believe that Brexit will make them wealthier. As Government publishes Brexit contingency plan documents 59% of British investors do not think Government is securing a good Brexit ...