“Must haves” and “Must sees” at the city’s Jewellery Museum during the 250th anniversary of its jewellery and watchmaking industries and the reopening of its Technical Museum Whether it’s timelessly elegant, lavish, sumptuous or ...
Tech companies seem to have inherited the Earth from more staid and conservative sectors, such as financial services. They have broken the business mould in numerous different ways, but where they let themselves down is ...
Growing up on the turbulent west coast of Norway, surrounded by mountains leading to open seas, WIN founder Kristin Engvig understood at a young age how important it is for everyone to be connected, and ...
“You will never walk alone” is the world- famous motto of Liverpool FC and also the main promise, in fact, the main value proposition, that we, at Altitude, bring to our customers. So, what’s the ...
Cultural differences in business: tips for avoiding faux pas when working abroad You’ve just started a new job abroad but how do you communicate? Should you be direct with the Germans but not with the ...
Founded in 1997 in Milan, Italy, WIN (Women’s International Networking) was the brainchild of Norwegian social entrepreneur, Kristin Engvig. WIN is an independent global women’s leadership organization – one that inspires women worldwide. WIN has ...
Donald Trump needs to “tighten up and show real clarity” in his economic plan or he could spook the global financial community, warns the boss of one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory organizations. ...
The developing world is displaying huge potential to take part in and influence the global market, and Rwanda is a key, growing economy in the East African area, evolving into a lucrative hub for energy-related ...
Brazil, a potential powerhouse with a once-booming economy, is plagued by political tensions and fiscal anxieties. Has the boom gone bust? Up until recently, the mood in Brazil was teeming with expectation. The economy was ...
Businesses that are able to create new and innovative products or services at the same time as responding to the demands and requirements of their consumers are working a winning recipe. Once purely a fancy ...
Global debt has increased by $57 trillion and no major economy has decreased its debt-to-GDP ratio since 2007, raising concerns about international economic stability and the very real possibility of another financial crisis. The International ...
UK commercial property had a strong run in 2014 and it led some investors to question whether valuations were nearing the top of the cycle. Earlier this year, we took a more contrarian view, believing ...
Making the grade British companies carry out more foreign direct investment (FDI) projects in Germany than in any other European country – and by far. Between 2008 and 2013, the latest reporting period, 402 FDI ...
With recreational marijuana use permitted in a number of US states, cannabis is moving from the margins to the mainstream of society. It’s rapidly shedding its image as the drug of choice for disillusioned, disenfranchised ...
There is extensive political agreement in Greenland that the country’s mineral sector should be developed into a principal industry contributing positively to economic development and the creation of new jobs. This objective is a vital ...
The relationship between large organisations and their suppliers, particularly in the retail sector, has become headline news in the UK media in recent months. At Board level, supplier relationships are moving up the agenda as ...
Demographic change means that companies today are facing a previously unknown challenge: the battle over the best employees. Only companies that are able to keep good employees are able to increase productivity, grow and survive ...
South African enterprises are moving toward multi-faceted power plans as the power crisis shows no sign of coming to an end in the foreseeable future, say power sector experts on the POWER-GEN Africa Advisory Board. ...