Vitaly Mutko Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation

The Russia’s purpose to enter the top 5 of the world’s largest economies can be pursued exclusively due to providing comfortable
conditions for doing business, boosting investment activity in the real sector. All of these can be achieved by comprehensive infrastructure developing.
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) refer to one of the most efficient mechanisms for innovative development of the country and
implementation of both investment and fiscal policy. Competitive advantage of a SEZ is helping investors reduce their initial costs of carrying out investment projects by up to 30% by provision of a ready state-of-the-art infrastructure and, of course, tax, customs and other privileges.
This mechanism is in a high demand among Russian and foreign investors. Thus, total number of investors newly coming to the Russian SEZs reached 146 companies in 2017, that is higher than in 2016 by 27%. Apart from that, investment activity of SEZ residents’ increased up to $ 1,2 billion. Budget system revenue from SEZ residents’ activities exceeded the previous period by 40% and an overall efficiency of SEZ activity rose by 8% in 2017.
All these results became possible thanks to well-coordinated work of the Government of the Russian Federation together with the regions of the Russian Federation, which are responsible for management of Russian SEZs. In addition, it is worth mentioning here the first issue of “Russian Special Economic Zones: Business Navigator 2017” contribution to SEZ developing.
The SEZs presented in the “Russian Special Economic Zones: Business Navigator 2017” are the investment platforms that can become drivers for different industrial sectors’ growth in Russia, and contribute to achievement of the goals set by the President’s decree No. 204 of May 7, 2018 “About national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”.
Vitaly Mutko
Deputy Prime Minister of the Government
of the Russian Federation