1 September 2014. Bellpenny, the national wealth manager and IFA acquirer, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of the Glasgow-based IFA Reid, Scott & Ross (RSR). The deal involves more than 1000 active ...
Cross-border acquisitions constitute the overwhelming majority of foreign direct investment flows. Such takeovers transfer ownership of valuable assets held by domestic firms – including technologies, trade secrets, capital, and distribution networks – to foreign enterprises. ...
LONDON August 2014 – Aon Hewitt, the global talent, retirement and health solutions business of Aon plc (NYSE:AON), has said that with defined benefit pension schemes climbing towards healthier funding status, they should be changing ...
The blend of highly motivated entrepreneurs and experienced venture capital fund managers with the right skills to commercialise innovation on a world-wide scale are now making European venture capital a convincing investment story. Europe has ...
Emerging markets” is an expansive one. It can encompass everything from behemoths China and Brazil to up-and-coming Mexico and the testing frontiers of Africa. The appeal for investors is stronger growth and younger economies than ...
OECD releases full version of global standard for automatic exchange of information. Taking an important step towards greater transparency and putting an end to banking secrecy in tax matters, the OECD today released the full version ...
Insurance, the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss from one entity to another in exchange for payment, has been around for centuries. Over 500 years ago, ship owners in London met in Lloyd’s ...
Welcome to the world of tax avoidance. Multinational companies do it, small companies do it, individuals do it, and possibly birds, bees and educated fleas do it. The issue has hit the headlines in a ...
With a €5.4bn phone call, Nokia has hung up on the mobile phone industry, and over 32,000 employees will be relocating to Microsoft. As part of the deal, Microsoft is purchasing Nokia’s Devices & Services ...
Could there really be an end in sight for the never-ending Greek recession? Prime Minister Antonis Samaras certainly thinks so. By announcing that “2014 will be the year of recovery for the Greek economy”, he ...
“The innovative character of our region is supported by the facts. Businesses based in Brainport Eindhoven are awarded four patents per day; this is more than half (55%) of the total number of patents registered ...
It was much simpler in the 1960s – Oil, that is; Black Gold; Texas Tea… The public chuckled about the plight of the Beverly Hillbillies – those impoverished rustics turned gazillionaires, rich beyond imagination by ...