Maxim Oreshkin Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation’s entry into the top 5 world’s economies is to be ensured by implementing new investment projects in
manufacturing of the high performance and export-oriented sector, by increasing the level of localisation of production as well as by introducing advanced production technologies in a wide-scale way. It is a necessary condition for both stable growth of the Russian economy and increase of competitiveness of Russian enterprises in the global high-tech market.
The only way to accomplish this task is to move to a growth model based on increasing both investment attractiveness of Russia
and investment activity of enterprises. One of the main drivers of forming the new generation’s economy is considered to be a well developed infrastructure, and SEZs are its key element.
SEZ is a vitally important mechanism for the national economy’s development, attraction of investment and expansion of mutually
beneficial international cooperation in various sectors of economy and industries. Currently, SEZ residents are more than 700 companies, including 130 companies with foreign capital.
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia published the first edition of SEZ Business Navigator in 2017. This has allowed to simplify substantially the search for information about advantages of sites for investments, contributes to making decision on launching new investment projects including export-oriented projects.
I want to point out that the updated edition of “SEZs Business Navigator 2018” is definitely to be an important information source
for Russian and foreign investors and is to accelerate achievement of goals set by the Russian President.
Minister of Economic Development
of the Russian Federation
To view the full report “Russian Special Economic Zones: Business Navigator 2018” prepared by Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia with support from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, here