Malta is inviting non-EU entrepreneurs to launch their new ventures, or scale up their existing ones, using Malta as their base. The new Malta Startup Residence Programme is intended for third country nationals who are ...
Since Chairman Mao proclaimed the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the nation has been on a journey to reclaiming its role as a dominant force on the world stage. In the COVID-19 era, China ...
Citizenship investment has never been a more important consideration for global investors given current global headwinds. These are challenging times and the chance to access greater mobility, opportunity, stability, security and a higher quality of ...
For high-net worth individuals, their families and their professional advisors looking to implement a wealth management plan, the Cook Islands international financial services sector has become an unrivalled ‘go-to’ proposition. The associated infrastructure within the ...
Foreign direct investment into Africa is on the rise, and with the population set to reach 1.7 billion by the end of the decade, this sleeping lion of a continent is focusing international minds. Sub-Saharan ...
Interview with Charmaine Quinland-Donovan, CEO, CIU Antigua and Barbuda CEO Insight: Why has citizenship investment become so important for global investors? Charmaine Quinland-Donovan: Profit optimization, portfolio diversification, access to new markets and tapping into unique business ...
Although all corners of the world conduct business in some way, different countries do so in different ways depending on their goals, cultures, and beliefs. Before you embark on your international business management degree, it ...
A piece of advice I am forever faithful to is this idea that CEO succession planning should start the day a new one steps into the job. It isn’t ruthless, it’s purely best practice all ...
South Africa is the premium springboard into the African continent, offering a platform into one of the world’s last frontiers of double-digit growth opportunities. So says Russell Curtis, CEO of Invest Durban. Here is a ...
What makes an effective board leader? The answers might have repercussions for gender equality, cultural nuances and ageism in the workplace, according to results from the latest study by Professor of Governance & Leadership, Andrew ...
The future of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing—often referred to as sustainable investing—lies at the intersection of impact investing and bold, diverse leadership. It is at this crossroad where global businesses and financial institutions ...
Financial services represents one of the pillars of Malta’s economy. Ever since the Mediterranean island nation’s accession to the EU in 2004, which attracted a raft of new investment opportunities, the sector has rapidly expanded ...
At the start of 2022, released their Crypto Market Sizing Report 2021 and 2022 Forecast, predicting that by the end of 2022, there will be one billion owners of cryptocurrency all over the world. ...
The payments industry is undergoing a sea of change as ecommerce continues to evolve post-pandemic. The competition that payment service providers (PSPs) are facing is expanding from other PSPs to fintechs and start-ups taking advantage ...
Everybody is talking about the Metaverse. What was once only a dream in sci-fi movies is now a reality. The rebranding of Facebook to Meta on 28th October 2021 marked the beginning of an era. ...
The past few years have been a real slog for business owners, who are understandably keen to future-proof their operations amidst economic uncertainty. Payments are a perfect place to start. During the pandemic, countless businesses ...
Software and technology enabled businesses were considered risky by debt finance providers a mere decade ago as “classic companies” still dominated the landscape and the perceived threat to disruption from many ‘known unknowns’ was almost ...
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ‘Insight’ ipoġġi bilqiegħda ma’ Michael Collis, Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv u Direttur Maniġerjali tal-Bank BNF. CEO Insight: F’kuntest ta’ intensità kompettitiva u volatilità tas-suq, il-Bank BNF qed jimxi minn suċċess għal suċċess ikbar fir-rigward ...