Many of the world’s capital cities are also the economic centre of the respective country. London, Paris and Madrid are good examples of this. And yet, beyond these capital cities, there are many other major ...
Throughout history crises have played a key role in developing societies and the current pandemic is no different. In times of uncertainty, entrepreneurs, businesspeople and members of the wider community are crucial to recovery and ...
Having weathered the storms of the last 7 months, finance teams in large companies must seize the moment to take a more strategic role. They can use transformational technology to become key advisers, sought after ...
In a world reeling from the devastation caused by COVID-19 and faced with elevated geopolitical and social tension, the emergence of the Cook Islands as a safe haven in a sea of unrest and uncertainty ...
We talk pandemics, trade finance and the potential Euro Exim bank can offer with Graham Bright Head – Compliance and Operations CEO Insight: Trade finance is at the core of Euro Exim Banks (EEB) portfolio ...
The Government Future Financing 2030 Program – Interview with the two heads of Elite Capital & Co. Limited, Dr. Faisal Khazaal, PhD. LLD. KGCC and Mr. George Matharu, MBA Elite Capital & Co. Limited (“ECC”) ...
Cyber economy continues to surge while DDoS attacks increase by 542% amid pandemic The recently released Dark Web Price Index 2020 reveals the current average prices for a selection of cybercrime products and services available “on ...
ICAO Endorsement Its excellent reputation for safety is perhaps best evidenced by recent safety audit results from the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) that saw the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA), which regulates the ...
Bermuda is a UK Overseas Territory and has the largest offshore aircraft registry, which is also tenth in size overall compared to the 193 signatory States to the Convention on Civil Aviation. The Bermuda Civil ...
Over the last decade, cyber security has rapidly become a concerning problem. Rightfully so, given how a cyber-attack can compromise an organisation’s key functions and processes within a matter of seconds, exposing sensitive data to ...
Messe Frankfurt has held its first trade fairs since the multi-month global lockdown – with great success. Taking place from 15 to 17 July, Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics and the Yarn Expo demonstrated just how ...
Global private wealth has been growing fast in recent years, exceeding economic growth worldwide. With the number of millionaires reaching 24 million in 2019, and the Fintech industry offering new services to people with more ...
Global wealth grew by almost 9% in 2019 – despite economic slowdown, international trade wars and political tectonics like Brexit, Hong Kong social unrest, and turmoil in Latin America. Capgemini’s 2020 World Wealth Report (WWR) ...
On June 25th, payment processing company Wirecard filed for insolvency, leaving numerous companies in uncharted territory. ConnectPay, an online banking service provider, has shared their view on the matter and raised the question of third-party ...
The pandemic had a twofold effect on the digital banking sector, as, alongside the unforeseen difficulties, it created new opportunities for growth and innovation. The novel coronavirus has had an immense impact on a range ...
During his 1962 State of the Union Address, John F. Kennedy declared: “The best time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”. While the original philosophy behind the sentiment wasn’t intended for organisations, ...
The Bermuda Aircraft Registry has reduced its Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) fees for corporate and general aviation aircraft. Following a regular review, the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) has simplified and reduced its fee by ...
Many are facing the toughest business climate of their career. Just how do we navigate and make the best decisions? As a leader, how would you like to look back on the crisis? In a ...