On the 21st June 2011, Decos Technology Group, a Dutch company that specialises in high-tech digital storage, tracking and IT, officially opened its doors to their new headquarters in Noordwijk, NL. Now, before your eyes ...
Gone are the traditional 9-5 hours reserved solely for the purpose of work. According to the recent People – Inspired Security study by Samsung, the age-old concept of ‘work-life balance’ is quickly diminishing due to ...
When we think about bank accounts, the age-old, reliable current, savings or basic accounts spring to mind, with the main function of the bank still reserved for storing our money. However in 2014, financial institutions ...
Situated right in the centre of Scandinavia, Gothenburg’s port is the largest and most important harbour in the entire region. When the European Commission announced in their recent report that the Swedish economy was experiencing the ...
Glasgow is a city bursting with life, energy, passion and personality. It’s one of the world’s great cities, offering residents, visitors and businesses an extraordinary quality of urban life. As host of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, ...
Insurance, the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss from one entity to another in exchange for payment, has been around for centuries. Over 500 years ago, ship owners in London met in Lloyd’s ...
Equity for Punks is, as the name suggests, an unconventional business model for raising capital where shareholding has never been so exciting, innovative and inclusive. In 2007, James Watt and Martin Dickie, spurred on by the ...
Meet the world’s youngest billionaires. According to Forbes magazine, of the world’s 1,426 billionaires, there are 29 under the age of 40. These 29 young billionaires are worth a total of $119 billion. Ten ...
Welcome to the world of tax avoidance. Multinational companies do it, small companies do it, individuals do it, and possibly birds, bees and educated fleas do it. The issue has hit the headlines in a ...
With a €5.4bn phone call, Nokia has hung up on the mobile phone industry, and over 32,000 employees will be relocating to Microsoft. As part of the deal, Microsoft is purchasing Nokia’s Devices & Services ...
Could there really be an end in sight for the never-ending Greek recession? Prime Minister Antonis Samaras certainly thinks so. By announcing that “2014 will be the year of recovery for the Greek economy”, he ...
Small businesses looking to improve efficiency are increasingly finding that every cloud has a silver lining. Indeed, cloud computing, which is IT jargon for accessing applications as services over the internet, is becoming a game ...
Andalucía, a successful Biotech cluster in the South of Europe. Thanks to its strategy initiatives based on innovation development and the strong commitment of the Andalusian Regional Government, Andalucía offers better business opportunities for global ...
Ambassador Vinai Thummalapally is the Executive Director of SelectUSA. The United States is open for business, and the U.S. government is taking steps to make it easier for companies of all sizes to enter the market, ...
European companies have increased their overseas investments in the last 20 years, venturing further afield, outside EU borders with the EU27 stock of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) into non-EU countries reaching €3.3 ...
Ideagen is a UK-headquartered, global technology company quoted on the London Stock Exchange AIM market. The Group provides software and services to organisations operating within highly regulated industries such as aviation, banking and finance, life ...
Global Bank of Commerce Ltd. (“GBC”) is a Caribbean-owned and operated financial institution, licensed and regulated by Antigua and Barbuda’s Financial Services Regulatory Commission (FSRC). Offering attractive financial products to its local, regional and international ...